“Simulator Training for Hardware Pilots – Case Study: simulating CAN-Bus attached hardware”

by Alexander Trica, Kevin Krammer


Embedded systems are often setups that combine a general purpose computer with a domain specific device attached via a standard bus or network connection. In such setups, the main computer is usually monitoring and controlling the overall system functionality, essentially “steering” the specialized device.

Similar to the situation with airplanes it is not always possible, and sometimes even not desired, to have the pilot train and/or test with the real thing. This talk is a case study around a joined project of Data Modul and KDAB for which we built tooling simulating the project’s CAN-Bus attached hardware.

What were the driving factors for having a simulator?
Which architecture and technologies were chosen for its implementation?
How does it hold up in practice?
Any lessons for future projects?

About the speakers

Alex Trica Data ModulAlexander Trica, Head of PCAP Touch and Embedded ARM Development at DATA MODUL.

As Head of PCAP Touch and Embedded ARM Development at DATA MODUL Alexander Trica has a strong Hardware and (lower level) Software background in the field of industrial human machine interfaces.

As a regular speaker at the Electronic Displays Conference in the past years, he highlighted new PCAP Touch extensions like haptic feedback, force recognition, or even capacitive 3D gesture control. Application software development based on Qt and C++ is the newest endeavor within the Embedded ARM Team of Data Modul but a logical step to offer full service in the field of Embedded HMIs.

Kevin Krammer KDABKevin Krammer, Senior Software Engineer at KDAB, a contributor to Qt and KDE.

As a Senior Qt Trainer at KDAB, he has experience with a lot of different use cases of Qt across industries and explores technologies and techniques around Qt beyond the confines of specific project scopes.

Kevin holds a BSc in Software Engineering.


View the slides for this presentation here…


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